3 Reasons to Buy Polyethylene Rattan Garden Furniture

Outdoor wicker furniture is often made from rattan. This natural plant fibre works well in a wicker-woven design. However, when you look at furniture sets and pieces, you'll see that a lot of them are made from a synthetic polyethylene rattan substitute. This material looks just like natural rattan in a wicker piece or set but has a range of advantages over the fibre itself. What are they?

1. Better Resistance to Weather Problems

Natural rattan garden furniture isn't always able to withstand environmental weather conditions. It can lose some of its good looks and structural strength if you leave it outdoors in all weathers. For example, sunlight can fade the rattan. It can also make it lose its natural suppleness and turn brittle. When this happens, the fibre loses some of its strength and is more likely to break. Rain also causes problems. If furniture gets soaked through, then it may sag and lose some of its shape. If natural rattan gets wet, it is likely to grow mould and mildew. 

Polyethylene rattan is more weather-resistant. It can shrug off UV rays, heat, moisture and water. It stays in good cosmetic shape for longer. It is also less prone to damage and shouldn't turn mouldy.

2. Easier Cleaning and Maintenance

Keeping natural rattan furniture clean and well maintained takes some effort. For a start, you have to be careful not to get the rattan too wet or to scrub at it too hard. Your furniture is likely to have a sealant or preservative coating on it to keep it in good shape. However, these coatings do not last forever, and you might need to treat the furniture again yourself to keep it protected.

Polyethylene rattan is a lot easier to care for. You do not need to worry about getting it wet, and it typically does not need any maintenance treatments later in its life.

3. Preserve Natural Resources

If you use natural rattan outdoor furniture, then you will use up some of the earth's rattan resources. Habitat changes and overharvesting put some of these plant species at risk.

Polyethylene rattan doesn't have this effect. You get the look of the natural fibre without affecting its natural growth and spread. If you want a less environmentally detrimental solution, then this may be a good option.

To find out more about various types of wicker furniture, contact outdoor furniture suppliers.

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Buying New Furniture

Furniture can really make or break a home. We hope that this site will help you avoid choosing the wrong furniture for your home. While we certainly cannot claim to have any special status or skills when it comes to this subject, we do have a burning passion which helps to drive us on to produce the work we do. Here, you will find info about chairs, sofas, tables, bookcases, wardrobes, and bedside tables. We have read magazines and watching many hours of YouTube so we understand the latest trends and developments which are impacting the world of furniture. Enjoy!



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